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Valentín Bueno before the CMO Summit Mexico: “It will be very enriching”

Valentín Bueno antes del CMO Summit México: “será muy enriquecedor”

Valentín Bueno before the CMO Summit Mexico: “It will be very enriching”.

You lead a global group that provides strategy, planning and implementation services to large clients like McDonald’s, Coca-Cola and Unilever, among others. At the CMO Summit Mexico, the main speaker will be the Danish Martin Roll, writer, brand strategist and management consultant. With what expectation will you arrive at that presentation?

I have high expectations regarding the meeting with Martin Roll. Sharing a space to exchange experiences as strategists in advising and building large global brands and looking at the future of OOH is very enriching. I am particularly interested in knowing if your perspective coincides with the direction we are taking our company in the different regions where we serve our advertisers, which today are three continents; also about the trends towards which advertising is directed, especially the out of home. What is the role of programmatic, technology and innovations brought by digital strategies. The path to greater personalization of advertising messages, in which facial recognition technology and other data allow us to personalize messages according to their audiences and how devices will be designed to better connect with audiences through gesture recognition and also through the use of augmented reality.

The summit will also include a panel with the most effective Mexican marketers. What question would you ask them if you had the chance?

A big issue is the growing concern for sustainability and, in that sense, to understand if we can, as an industry, support the use of materials that are more friendly to the planet for the production of content, such as achieving a shift towards the use of more screens. energy efficient. Among other issues related to the health of the environment, we at Latcom work together with our clients with the Una Vuelta + program, which is a circular economy project that, through the recycling of material from OOH advertising campaigns, generates job opportunities in vulnerable communities in Latin America. The association with the clients occurs in the framework of the donation of the material of their campaigns, and the canvas, instead of being discarded, is transformed into new products such as bags, backpacks and other objects, which are manufactured and then sold, which which generates inclusive social work and takes care of the environment.

Un encuentro de marketers permite, a proveedores de anunciantes como la misma Latcom, escuchar de primera mano las necesidades de la industria en temas como innovación y tecnología. Cuando faltan apenas unos días para que tenga lugar, ¿qué necesidades o pedidos supone que se plantearán en el encuentro?

The Mexican market is very special, one of the most competitive in the region, and although Latin America is still far from Europe and the United States, it is worth highlighting the advances that technology has had, especially in recent years. I would like to know, told in first person, how each country in the region sees this issue and what is happening today in Mexico regarding the efforts in traffic and geolocation metrics, which we know are advancing; maybe not at the desired speed, but much faster than a couple of years ago. And in this context, we can also mention Latcom Media Services. LatMS is an OOH, DOOH marketplace that we define as “Everything we do on one platform”. It contains all the know-how of our company, the campaign history of the main brands and the largest global media network, with coverage of 80% of the total park of outdoor, indoor, digital, transport, mobile and cinema supports. that exist on the planet. This powerful tool has the ability to optimize processes, combine planning with traditional and digital media, offer the best mix of media and guarantee efficient purchasing management, combining innovation and expertise. The tool contains a mathematical engine that draws on the world’s largest database and has the power to process nine billion pieces of data to segment audiences and connect them with their advertisers and turn the world’s cities into large distribution channels for messages for brands This allows us to improve the OTS’s, the GRP and the TPR, and generate more efficiency in consumers.


El CMO Summit México 2023 se realizará el martes 30 de mayo, de 8 a 18, en el Four Seasons Hotel CDMX.