Effectiveness of OOH in Ecommerce campaigns

63% of the consumers that watch out of home advertising have higher opportunities to perform an online action, such as visit a website, buy in an e-commerce site, make a search or download an app. OOH is the media that pushes more the online activity, providing 4 times better results per spent dollar than the TV, radio and printed press.
The OOH advertising allows to reach the consumers in different moments of their out of home day. Because of the nature of the outer environment and the variety of their formats and supports – Outdoor, Indoor, Digital, Transport, Mobile and Cinemas-, offers lower CPMs than the traditional media, maximizing the scope and impact efficiency and becoming into a communication channel very powerful for the brands.
Although the OOH advertising – and DOOH – enhances any marketing plan, in case of the e-commerce campaigns the results are even more obvious. For instance, for somebody that daily travels to his working place and trips every morning the same journey, are four times more likely to perform an online action than somebody that consumes an announcement in traditional media (printed press, radio and TV). This makes the OOH a great opportunity for the announcers that are looking to position their brands and require a bridge to the digital world.
And not only that. Besides, the consumers that watch out of home advertisements are a 63% more likely to perform a call to action such as visit a website, buy in an e-commerce site, make a search or download an app.
When consulted about the OOH effectiveness for the e-commerce sector, Raquel Miara, Latcom’s Commercial Director for New Business in LATAM, says: “My advice is always to measure the synergy generated with OOH, because with a good media mix, applied technology tools and key research, we can push the sales and product or brand awareness when needed. “
And she adds: “Rappi is one of our more recent successful cases, where the main challenge was to demonstrate how the OOH returns in sales/purchases or app downloads, and also increased the brand positioning in the nine markets where they operate.” Rappi is a customer that demands permanent innovation and creativity. In Lima we selected mupis in the target neighborhoods that were High Value Users, where we put a QR that redirected to a download link. In the Atlantic beach inns, we used a Wifi diffuser to provide free data to the users and redirect them to the app.
According to Rappi Mustache, the report published in March 2022, the app registered a 22% sales increase in the Foods & Pets category during 2021; and the figures for Drinks & Cigarettes and Pharma & Care verticals achieved a 21% and 43% increase in annual sales, respectively.
Whit figures constantly expanding and consumption tendencies that demand closeness and customized experiences, the OOH advantages in e-commerce seem huge in a media that allows from investment optimization and campaign execution at local and regional level, to work in the top of mind, audience’s hyper segmentation by micro zone and keep the sales active over time.
About Latcom:
LATCOM is a company created to satisfy the increasing regional demand of outdoor advertising of international clients in America, Europe and Asia. We respond to these demands through the most important outdoor advertising companies in each country conforming a network of strategic partners.